The Road to Equal Immigration Rights

Jeffrey O'Brien

2022 Impact Report

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By Jeffrey O'Brien, Executive Director

Dear Pathfinders,

The road to equal immigration opportunities is a difficult and challenging journey for everyone involved. As the founder of Mobile Pathways, I couldn’t be prouder of the progress we’ve made, but the truth is, there is still much work to be done.

Over the past four years, we’ve been committed to digitally transforming immigration advocates by equipping them with the necessary tools and technology to make a greater impact. Those who have embraced our services and use our MyCamino platform have experienced a remarkable 10x increase in their reach.

However, despite this progress, the work ahead is immense. Presently, the United States is facing an unprecedented number of immigrants in court, and the
inconsistent treatment of immigrants exacerbates an already complex situation.

For fundamental transformation to occur in the legal immigration sector, philanthropic stakeholders must invest in meaningful ways. We implore the generosity and thoughtful support of those in the philanthropic and corporate sectors to help ensure that every immigrant gets access to just representation.

We look forward to forging a collaborative partnership as we work together to meet ever-growing humanitarian needs, one text at a time.

Yours in Justice,

Jeffrey O’Brien